Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

Wilma: Wilma & JuLes Clothes exchange

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

Wilma & JuLes Clothes exchange

  • diversity Jugendzentrum, Blumenstraße 11 80331 München
  • Thursday, 05. September 2024 19:00 - Thursday, 05. September 2024 22:00

The Wilmas and Jules are organizing a clothes-circle together! Bring all your clothes that you no longer need and put them in new, loving hands here. Maybe you'll even find a new favorite piece among the others!

Things you can bring to the clothing-exchange: any clothing, any trans*-specific items (e.g. binders, bras…), shoes, hats, gloves… Please be sure to only bring wearable, clean and usable things. All clothes that we can't swap with each other can be donated to our local „Tunten“ at the „schiefe Bahn“

Of course, you are also welcome if you want to spend a relaxed evening chatting and playing games at the youth center. As always, there will be drinks at reasonable youth center prices and free snacks.

The Jules and Wilmas are looking forward to a swaptastic evening with you!