Counseling & Help

Our Counseling offers

diversity München offers professional counseling for you.

Beratung bis 27 JahreCounseling and Help

diversity München offers professional counseling and help for you.

The consultations are provided by qualified professionals who are bound by confidentiality.

LGBTIAQ* adolescents and young adults up to 27 years old, as well as young people who are not yet certain in this regard, can find information and support here regarding coming out, queer life, and general issues related to youth and young adulthood. Additionally, parents and other relatives of LGBTIAQ* adolescents and young adults up to 27 years old can seek guidance on these topics from us.

If you are a (social) pedagogical professional (e.g., social worker, teacher, or educator in youth welfare settings) or a healthcare professional (e.g., psychotherapist, clinic staff, or special education teacher for adolescents and young adults) who is addressing issues of sexual orientation or gender identity for the first time or in complex contexts, you can also seek inspiration and support through professional consultation here.

Our Social Workers


Elena Winter [she/her]

Social Pedagogue B.A.

Appointments by request

Phone: 089 55266986


Lucas Deiner [he/his]

Social Pedagogue M.A.

Appointments by request

Phone: 089 55266986


Susanne Strzoda [she/her]

Social Pedagogue M.A.

Appointments by request

Phone: 089 55266986