Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

Wilma: Coop Wilmas and Kletterkompliz*innen

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

Coop Wilmas and Kletterkompliz*innen

  • ,
  • Friday, 21. March 2025 17:45 - Friday, 21. March 2025 22:00

We're going vertical! At this meeting, we're teaming up with the Kletterkompliz*innen - a climbing and bouldering group for FLINTA* people - and going bouldering together in the Element bouldering gym! Whether you are already an absolute pro at bouldering or a complete beginner, there will be a program for everyone. There is only a limited number of participants, so please register via the following link: https://events.diversity-muenchen.de/wilma/bouldern2025/

The diversity will cover part of the entrance tickets, so bouldering will still cost €7 per person. If the price prevents you from taking part, please select the appropriate option when ordering your ticket.

Important: the meeting point is at 5:45pm in front of the ELEMENT bouldering gym (Zielstattstraße 23). The start is at 6pm.