
Das Aufklärungsprojekt von diversity München

diversity@school – das sind queere Referent*innen, die ehrenamtlich Workshops für Jugendliche, junge Erwachsene und Multiplikator*innen durchführen sowie Infostände betreuen – zu den Themen sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität.

Our References

Queere Bildung - Quality Standards

Logo Queere Bildung

As a founding member of the Federal Association of Queer Education, we are networked with other associations, projects and initiatives that also offer education and awareness-raising work on the topic of sexual and gender diversity. An annual national networking meeting with all member projects and partners as well as numerous working groups characterise the association's work.

The main focus of the national association is to politically represent, bundle and professionalise local education and awareness-raising work. This includes uniform quality standards for all member projects of the national association. These have been developed in cooperation with the other member projects and since 06.05.2018 have been laid down as binding standards for all projects bundled in the national association. You can find more information here (Queer Education Quality Standards PDF).

Active Award Winning Project 2018

Wettbewerb Aktiv für Demokratie und Toleranz

Active for Democracy and Tolerance competition

In 2018, diversity@school was awarded by the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance (BfDT) of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) as an "imaginative and effective example of civil engagement in the context of the Active for Democracy and Tolerance competition." The award is both an appreciation and an incentive.