Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

diversity München: diversity christmas-Café

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

diversity christmas-Café

  • diversity Café, Blumenstraße 29 80331 München
  • Sunday, 24. December 2023 16:00 - Sunday, 24. December 2023 22:00

diversity christmas-Café

On the 24st of December, the Café opens later than usual. Come by from 4pm to 10pm and enjoy the christmas evening with our usual offers and our themed hot beverages like Glühwein and Pumpkin Spice Latte.

If you always wanted to volunteer in a café/bar/party, please contact our team at the bar or NoDifference hier.

We are happy about active support and show you as a beginner everything in a relaxed way.