Who We Are
The LesBiGay and Trans* youth organisation diversity München is the only organisation with a LGBTIAQ* youth centre and youth café in Bavaria.
diversity is a self-governed youth organisation led by five volunteering board members, who are themselves no older than 27.
Our twelve youth groups are based on a peer-to-peer approach, which means that each group is led by volunteers, who are 27 or younger—the same age as our visitors. In fact, many of our volunteers have once started out as visitors of our youth center, before beginning their work with us.
To ensure that our voluntary group leaders are fully prepared for their important work at our organisation, we offer our JuLeiCa-training once a year.
Besides our twelve groups, we are also home to diversity@school, which provides educational work on the topic of gender identity and sexual orientation in schools and other youth centers—education from young people to young people, on equal terms.
Our groups and our offer fully rely on the involvement and support of young LGBTIAQ* volunteers. Our Team currently consists of more than 90 volunteers!
Together with our volunteers, we ensure that everyone feels welcome and safe in our youth centre and youth café.
To achieve this, we receive expert advice and support by working very closely with our social education workers—they offer consultations for young people, for parents, and for other organisations.
Every Wednesday, our diversity Bar opens at 7pm – here, everyone younger than 28 can join us.
Our organisation, diversity München e.V., was founded in 1993, though it used to carry a different name.
In mid-2007, we moved into the building of Blumenstraße 11 and in 2017, and extended our space with the diversity Café, which is located in Blumenstraße 29.
- Learn more about our youth groups
- Learn more about diversity
We are proud to offer low-threshold activities for you lesbian, gay, bi and trans youth, where everyone feels welcome and where the visitors can shape their own youth organisation.
The diversity youth center and café offer a safe space to find one's own identity and for your coming out.
Empowerment is very important for us, so that young people can grow into confident people.
Why We Need You
We would love to further expand our offers for LGBTIAQ* youth and young adults, but this is only possible with your help as a supporting member!
Starting from only 20€ per year, you can support our work and secure the future of our youth organisation.
diversity München e. V. is certified as non-profit by the Ministry of Finance, which makes your donations and supporting memberships fully tax deductible.
Of course, we inform our supporting members about our work and the use of their money on a regular basis. Supporting members are also kindly invited to all of our special events.
Read below, why the following people support diversity München e.V.:
- Sepp Sattler and Dietmar Holzapfel, Deutsche Eiche
- Bernd Müller, editor-in-chief LEO
- Ralf König, comic artist
- Thomas Niederbühl, city council Rosa-Liste
- Lydia Dietrich, city council Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Become a Supporting Member
Just fill our the form below—that's all it takes!
Wir unterstützen, weil...

Bernd Müller, Chefredakteur LEO
"... es eine Form von schwul-lesbischen Generationenvertrag ist!"

Dietmar Holzapfel und Sepp Sattler, Deutsche Eiche
"...wir glauben, dass es Jugendliche auch heute noch schwer haben, zu ihrer Identität zu finden, vor allem, wenn sie Homosexualität bei sich entdecken."

Lydia Dietrich, Stadträtin Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und Ehrenmitglied von diversity
"...es an der Zeit ist, gerade das Angebot für junge Lesben hier in der Stadt deutlich zu verbessern!"

Ralf König, Comiczeichner
"...bis Homosexualität in der Gesellschaft als selbstverständlich betrachtet wird, ist es noch ein langer Weg, und neue Impulse und Ideen kommen immer aus der Jugend. Ich unterstütze den Förderverein, weil es auch in Zukunft selbstbewusste Schwule und Lesben braucht!"

Thomas Niederbühle, Stadtradt Rosa-Liste und Ehrenmitglied von diversity
"...es beeindruckend ist, was mit Eigeninitiative alles erreicht werden kann. Da sollte es selbstverständlich sein, dass wir Älteren die Jungen finanziell unterstützen."