Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

JUNGS: Reallife Mr. X

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

Reallife Mr. X

  • diversity Jugendzentrum, Blumenstraße 11 80331 München
  • Friday, 20. May 2022 19:00


The perpetrator...

  • is male,
  • is attracted to other men and
  • has been spotted in a Munich youth center.

A tragic crime has occurred at the youth center. The secret cocktail recipes have been stolen. Now it's up to you to catch the fugitive Mr. X and bring back the recipes. Since his crime, he has been using public transportation in the interior of Munich.

Will you manage to put a stop to the criminal and make peace in time before the diversity Café reopens for bar night on Wednesday?

The JUNGS will play "The Hunt for Mister X" in the Munich interior using public transportation.

Most of you will be part of one of several detective teams, but one group will be named "Mr. X" and go on the run from the detectives. Once one of the detective teams has "arrested" - i.e. found - Mr. X, this detective team becomes the new "Mr. X" and will be hunted by the detectives from then on. You will find out the exact rules of the game before it starts.

We will meet at 7 pm at the JUZ (Blumenstraße 11). Please bring a ticket for public transportation in the Munich inner area (Zone M) (day ticket or other ticket for unlimited rides that evening).

The JUNGS are looking forward to you as an investigator and hope to catch Mr. X

Please note our hygiene concept.
Unfortunately, our youth center is not barrier-free. If you are dependent on barrier-free, please contact us in advance using the contact form. We may be able to find a solution.