
Wilkommen bei den enBees!

Die Gruppe für alle nicht-binären Personen bis 27 Jahre


We meet every second Thursday of the month at 18:00 and on the fourth Saturday of the month at 15:00 in the diversity youth center at Blumenstraße 11. We look forward to seeing you :D

Special meetings like co-operations can be found in the diversity calendar as well as here.

Unfortunately our youth center is not wheelchair accessible. If you need accessibility, please contact us beforehand. We might be able to find a short-term solution. (Where there is a will, there is a way :D)

If you want to get a notification when we announce a new meeting then join our Telegram channel. The channel is anonymous, so no one but the team can see that you are subscribed to it. The content will be the same as on this website.

Upcoming Events

diversity Events

diversity Bar

Past Events