
Summer Trips

We go on our summer trip every year. Get to know all about this trip here.

frients Summer Trip

Our trans*-Summer Trip with about 60 attendees from all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria usually happens around Whitsun and lasts four nights.

What makes this event so special is the feeling of fitting in with a group and not being the odd one out for being trans*. We always come back feeling empowered and with lots of new contacts in our phones.

While being trans* isn’t something super important during this trip, you do not have to hide it. This creates a safe space to be yourself and gives many the possibility to feel free. This is especially important for those who enjoy swimming, which can be an activity you do not participate in freely because of being trans*.

There also are in-depth trans*-Talks happening during our time at the house, where you get the opportunity to ask any questions regarding being trans* or about transitioning.