The CSD 2023 with diversity ...
Here you can find all diversity events around this year's CSD Pride Week.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Sunday, 04.06.23 from 15:00; at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
Designing signs - open for everyone up to 27 years
Together with you we want to design the posters and signs with our political demands and statements for the political parade at the CSD. No matter if you are creative or if you think you are not artistically talented... there is room for free design for everyone. Open for everyone up to 27 years.
Wednesday, 07.06.23 from 19:00; at the Café & Youth Center; Blumenstr. 29&11
diversity Bar for the Magic Bar Tour - open for all, also over 27 years
The traditional Magic Bar Tour will take place again this year. Parallel to our diversity Bar, voucher holders (also ü27) can come to us and get specials. We will also open the youth center for a relaxed evening. So you can switch between both locations.
Saturday, 10.06.23 from 14:00; at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
Designing signs - open for everyone up to 27 years
Together with you we want to design the posters and signs with our political demands and statements for the political parade at the CSD. No matter if you are creative or if you think you are not artistically talented... there is room for free design for everyone. Open for everyone up to 27 years.
Sunday, 11.06.23 from 15:00; at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11.
Make It Your Pride - open for all up to 27 years
Make friends, pimp your outfit, pack your stuff, check out Consent. Diversity München and the Stadtschüler*innenvertretung make all this and more possible for you here! There is plenty of room to let off steam creatively and prepare for the upcoming Pride weeks. Open for everyone up to 27 years.
Wednesday, 14.06.23 from 19:00; at diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29
diversity Bar - open for everyone up to 27 years
We are having our "diversity Bar" in the middle of Pride Week - all LGBTIAQ* and friends* up to 27 years old are welcome. Stop by and get in the mood for the upcoming CSD WarmUp and the CSD Parade with old and new hits and delicious drinks. This is a great opportunity to meet new people or friends in an informal way. Open to everyone up to 27 years old.
Thursday, 06/15/2013 at 6:30pm; at the Youth Center; Blumenstr. 11.
Pride is a Riot! - Shaping activism together. - Open to all, also over 27 years
The forms of activism are diverse, the common goal: to change something. We strengthen each other in our activism. No matter if activism is new to you or an integral part of your life: We open the space and reflect together on (our own) activism: What does activism mean to you and where do you want to go with it? How can activism be sustainable and what are the hurdles inside and outside the community? And: which activism is still missing in Munich? Open for all, also over27
Saturday, 17.06.23 from 16:00; at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
Intersectional meeting - open for everyone up to 27 years
We invite all BIPoC and/or genderqueer people up to 27 years at 16:00 in the youth center for a cozy get-together with empowerment and games. From 20:00 we go to the diversity bar to celebrate and be visible together! The bar part of the event is open to all ages and identities. So bring all your friends. Open to everyone up to 27 years old.
Saturday, 06/17-23 from 8:00pm; at diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29.
Intersectional alcohol-free bar night - open to all, also over 27 years.
Celebrate together with mocktails, sodas and good vibes. All BIPoCs, genderqueer people and their allies of all ages are invited to this alcohol-free bar evening. Starting at 20:00 it's time to party together and be visible! This part of the event is open to all ages and identities. So bring all your friends! Open to all, also over 27.
Wednesday, 21.06.23 from 19:00; at diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29
diversity Bar - open for everyone up to 27 years
We are having our "diversity Bar" in the middle of Pride Week - all LGBTIAQ* and friends* up to 27 years are welcome. Drop by and get in the mood for the upcoming CSD WarmUp and the CSD Parade with old and new hits and delicious drinks. This is a great opportunity to meet new people or friends in an informal way. Open to everyone up to 27 years old.
Thursday, 22.06.23 from 7pm; at diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29
Tuntitunt - the show @ diversity Café - open for everyone, also over 27 years
The TuntiTunt - the show is back! Tunts on stage and you can expect a mix of political contributions, super-galactic performances of singing, lipsync, theater and show. Free admission. Open to all, also ü27.
Friday, 23.06.23 from 19:00 clock; in the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
NoDifference! CSD WarmUp Party - open for all, also over 27 years
The legendary CSD Warm-Up Party in the courtyard of diversity München to celebrate as youth into the parade weekend. This year again in cooperation with the Munich queer departments of HM, LMU and TU. Free entrance, music by DJ DavX and as always cheap drinks at our bar. Open to all (also over 27).
Saturday, 24.06.23 from 10:00 am; at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
CSD parade and info booths
Of course we will be there at the CSD itself. Also this year we will run with a foot group at the parade (please keep in mind that we are not responsible for supervision). Already from 10:00 am we will meet at the youth center to prepare everything for the parade. If you want to join us, you will receive one of our diversity T-shirts in advance. If you don't want to have a t-shirt, you can also get a diversity sign or body paint on the spot. We will also have two information booths in the city center where we will be happy to welcome you. If you want to come directly to the parade line-up, you can join us until 11:45 am.
You can find more details at: www.diversity-muenchen.de/termine
Saturday, 24.06.23 from about 16:00 (after the parade); at the youth center; Blumenstr. 11
CSD Chillout with the Volxküche - open for everyone up to 27 years
After the turbulent CSD parade you can relax at the chillout in the diversity youth center and review the parade in a relaxed way with all the groups. This year we will be cooked by the Volxküche (@vokuemuc) with fantastic vegan food, so that we can go to the street festival and the CSD afterparty invigorated again. For refreshment, of course, drinks at youthful prices will be available again. Open to all up to 27 years.
Saturday, 24.06.23 from 20:00; at diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29
diversity CSD Afterparty - open for everyone up to 27 years
The diversity CSD Afterparty is the CSD party for all young people. After a few hours of recharging your batteries (e.g. in the diversity Chillout Area), the crowning finale of a colorful CSD day will take place at 8 p.m. in the diversity Café with good sounds and glittering, inexpensive drinks.
Sunday, 25.06.23 from 14:00; at the diversity Café; Blumenstr. 29
diversity Café - open for everyone up to 27 years
Our relaxed café afternoon in the café. You can meet your friends or get to know other LGBTIAQ* youth in a quiet atmosphere. Open to all up to 27 years old.
Wednesday, 28.06.23 from 19:00; at diversity Café Blumenstr. 29.
After CSD diversity Bar - open for all up to 27 years.
Today we say goodbye to Pride Week and celebrate with everyone who hasn't had enough yet or was too tired after the parade. The best way to meet new CSD acquaintances, tell each other the best stories of the weekend and review the parade: our After CSD diversity Bar. As usual at the diversity Café, starting at 7pm. Open for everyone up to 27 years.