Our Partner Organisations
GOC (Gay Outdoor Club)
1 Free drink during the GOC nights at Sub (every 4th Thursday of the month)
1 x voucher for supervised climbing (GOC pays for the climbing hall) -> please get in touch with Nicole nicole [at] gocmuenchen.de
Harry Klein
Reduced entrance fees at Garry Klein events on Wednesdays:
2€ entrance for diversity members
SUPERGARRYKLEIN: 5€ entrance for diversity members
reduced entrance fees of 5€ for diversity members;
special events are 6€
UnderGround (MLC München)
Reduced entrance fee:
diversity members pay the same price as MLC members (present diversity ID at admission without being asked); see www.mlc-munich.de
Attention: Minimum age 18 years; Men only - only as male readed persons are allowed in the UnderGround;